Suddenly Joyful, Inc.

About Us



To spread love, hope, and joy around the world.


To spread love, hope, and joy by bringing relief to people in distressed situations around the world through advocacy, training, and partnerships.



Do justly. Take action according to what is morally right or fair.

Love mercy.  Demonstrate kindness towards people in desperate situations.      

Walk humbly.  Treat everyone with dignity.

Serve the least.  Help those who are deemed lowest in importance or position by society.

Operate with integrity.  Administer programs and facilitate all operations with honesty, fairness, and financial integrity.



  1. Lead efforts and partner with organizations to help distressed people or groups around the world.
  2. Provide assistance to the poor and underserved.
  3. Empower individuals and groups through personal development training and capacity building to identify and meet development challenges.
  4. Advocate on behalf of those denied a voice due to social, political, and economic disempowerment.

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